"For where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there am I among them."

Matthew 18:20


What's Happening At Sutallee Baptist Church

Wonderful Wednesdays

Sutallee offers activities for all ages and stages of life on Wednesdays. Our classes and life groups are a great way to connect through activities. We also have many opportunities for you to serve and grow in your faith.

Wednesday Night Supper

Join us from 5:30-6:30pm every Wednesday for the best home cooking you'll ever eat!

Adults $5.00 / kids and youth are FREE!

Fellowship Breakfast

The adults meet for breakfast at varying locations the second Tuesday of each month. The location is usually announced the week before.

Ladies Luncheon

The Sutallee women meet for lunch at different restaurants on the fourth Thursday of each month. The location is usually announced the week before.


The Sutallee men meet on the fourth Saturday of each month in the fellowship hall, breakfast is served at 7:30 am.

Discipleship Based Classes

These groups are designed to help you go deeper in your faith. Attending one of these groups will give you the opportunity to be encouraged by sound Biblical teaching that will help you live out your faith in practical ways.

Ministry Based Class

Pastor Billy Edmondson: Intercede Prayer is a men and women's prayer ministry of Sutallee where believers gather together to lift up needs that are shared within our church and from the group. This is a powerful ministry that sees answers to prayers every week! Join them to pray. Join our pastor as he leads this class.

Please call the church @ 770-479-0101 and ask Darlene Keeton for information on any event or class at Sutallee Baptist Church.