"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. "

Psalm 119:105


Radio Ministry

Can't attend church... No problem! Just tune into WLJA 101.1 FM at 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. every Sunday to hear the pastor Billy’s message.

Mighty Men Ministry

The Sutallee Mighty Men Ministry meets on Wednesday night at 7:00pm.

Led by Wayne Sanders, this class teaches men of all ages how to be a better husband, father, friend or just all around more Godly man!

Women's Ministry 2023

Mission Statement

The Women’s Ministry is dedicated to fellowship and service, by welcoming all women with love through Jesus Christ. Activities for women in our congregation, SBC, and our community, will be designed to honor our Lord and Savior.

The following goals are guidelines to do all we can in the time the Lord has given us.

2023 Goals

  1. Minister to one another through prayer, action, love, and respect.
  2. Manage the Kitchen, as well as proper use, during events using the Kitchen. (Kelley Borman, Kitchen Coordinator)
  3. Improve the appearance of the Fellowship Hall. (Brenda Abernathy, Fellowship Hall Coordinator)
  4. Celebrate wedding and baby showers for members.
  5. Provide fellowship through a monthly Women’s Luncheon. (Samantha DeLauder, Women’s Luncheon Coordinator)
  6. Schedule an activity each quarter.

Five Year Goals

  1. Employ the God-given gifts and talents of Teams/Individuals, to carry out yearly goals.
  2. Hold events to meet selected mission and community needs.
  3. Establish a shared responsibility, from all members of the congregation, for the appearance and function of the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall.

Teen Zone

"Teen Zone" Youth Ministry

An exciting place to be for all 6th-12th graders. It is our goal for them to not only connect with God but also with others. Our leadership team address the needs of the students and have a passion to serve students. Our Youth Ministry night is Wednesdays from 6:00 - 8:15 in the downstairs of the smaller building in the youth room. We offer small group classes on Sunday mornings at 9:45 for Middle School and High School. We host many fun activities such as Teen VBS, SuperWow Beach Camp, a winter trip and more! Come check us out!

Our leadership team is comprised of talented volunteer teachers and assistants. We host many fun activities annually such as VBS, Kids Camp, Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt and more!

Questions? Contact Cindy Scheile

Student Ministries Director at 770-309-4457

Kid Zone

"KidStyle" - Children's Ministry

Our mission is to see children come to know the Lord and to grow spiritually... Sutallee Baptist LOVES our children!

"Kid Zone" Children's Ministry

Kid Zone offers a safe place for your children to hear Biblical truth and interact in worship with other kids their age. Kid Zone serves children from birth through 5th grade on Sunday mornings for small groups at 9:45 and childrens church during the 10:45 service.

The nursery is available for the 8:30 service, but children's church is for the 10:45 service only.

We also offer Kid Zone on Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:15.

Questions? Contact Cindy Scheile Student Ministries Director at 770-309-4457

College and Young Adult Ministry

CYA (or the College & Young Adults Ministry) is designed to help 18-30 year olds discover their God-given purpose and provide a place for them to do so alongside others on the same journey. SBC is a real church, full of real people, with real problems looking for real answers.

Randy Blanton leads the College and Young Adult Ministry connecting young adults relationally while helping them grow spiritually.

Whether you have known Jesus for 5 years, 5 days or are in the process of navigating faith, CYA is the place grow!

Seniors Ministry

Come and be a part of a fun and active ministry for adults led by Bill Abernathy. SBC welcomes every adult to participate in opportunities for fellowship, community, adventure, and mission for the purpose of fulfillment and friendship.

Trips: Throughout the year our seniors travel to various destinations, the cost of the trips vary depending on the location and activities.

Questions? Contact the church office @ 770-479-0101.

Worship Ministry Praise Team

The praise and worship team at Sutallee Baptist Church builds the body of Christ and draws people into worshiping God through carefully chosen music and lyrics.

Praise Team is a fun, challenging and rewarding ministry led by Minister of Music Wayne Sanders.

Please contact Wayne Sanders if you're interested in going our praise and worship team.

Van Ministry

Such an important part of our outreach program!

For over 25 years we have ran van routes, so many students have come to know Christ because they were brought in on the church van. If you would like to be part of this ministry please contact our church office.

Questions? Contact the church office @ 770-479-0101.

Production Team

If you have been gifted with talents in the production world then we would love for you to join our team.

Questions? Contact the church office @ 770-479-0101.